Did you miss us?
Hey there, long time no see! As you can see, we here at 8 Bit Apples and Tea have beaten the finals boss! I have to admit, though, it was pretty tough. I don't think anyone's ever taken so long to win a boss fight.
...Then again, there was that one time Player 2 took on Nyx, but I digress.
Anyway, what's important is that we're back. For this glorious return, our format will be remaining pretty much the same with the exception of Fun Fridays. With a painful 2100 miles separating us, Player 2 and I decided that joint posts would be a little bit impractical. Instead, we're going to try something completely different. Each week, we'll alternate Fun Fridays. On Player 2's Fridays, she'll be bringing you posts of a lighthearted variety, much like we did during the last season. On my Friday's, however, I'll be taking a crack at streaming some games from my PC while engaging in running commentary on them. While I'm not quite sure of the logistics yet, I think it will something like an hour of streaming on Justin.tv, and then linking the page in the blog post. In any case, we'll see how it works out when the time comes. In the mean time, I'm sure your all wondering what games I'll be streaming. Well, luckily for you, I've composed a tentative list of the games I'm planning to play:
- The Elder Scrolls: Oblivion
- Minecraft
- Portal
- Portal 2
- Diablo 3
Yes, I realize the list is short at the moment, but I'm also open to any suggestions you guys might want to throw my way. Given that I'll only be streaming for an hour each Friday, though, I'm sure a list this length will be fine.
So, any games you guys want to see? It'd be great if you guys could watch me stumble through something brand new, so leave a comment!
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